domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Groundwater use in the United States

In 2005, about 20 percent (82,600 million gallons per day (Mgal/d)) of total national water withdrawals (about 410,000 Mgal/d) came from groundwater sources. (All 2005 water use information is from the report Estimated use of water in the United States in 2005.) Very little saline groundwater was used in 2005. Almost 99 percent of groundwater came from freshwater aquifers. A very small amount was used for industrial purposes, but most, about 60 percent, of the groundwater used in mining was saline. Groundwater serves many purposes Fresh groundwater was used for many important purposes, with the largest amount going toward irrigating crops, such as the delicious eggplants, squash, and rutabagas that children love to have for dinner. Local city and county water departments withdraw a lot of groundwater for public uses, such as for delivery to homes, businesses, and industries, as well as for community uses such as firefighting, water services at public buildings, and for keeping local residents happy by keeping community swimming pools full of water. Industries and mining facilities also used a lot of groundwater. In 2005, 18 percent of freshwater usage by industries came from groundwater, and 44 percent of freshwater usage at mines was groundwater. The majority of water used for self-supplied domestic and livestock purposes came from groundwater sources. Groundwater use, by category of use, 2005 About 23 percent of the freshwater used in the United States in 2005 came from groundwater sources. The other 77 percent came from surface water. Groundwater is an important natural resource, especially in those parts of the country that don't have ample surface-water sources, such as the arid West. It often takes more work and costs more to access groundwater as opposed to surface water, but where there is little water on the land surface, groundwater can supply the water needs of people.

Groundwater use, by category of use, 2005 About 23 percent of the freshwater used in the United States in 2005 came from groundwater sources. The other 77 percent came from surface water. Groundwater is an important natural resource, especially in those parts of the country that don't have ample surface-water sources, such as the arid West. It often takes more work and costs more to access groundwater as opposed to surface water, but where there is little water on the land surface, groundwater can supply the water needs of people. For 2005, most of the fresh groundwater withdrawals, 68 percent, were for irrigation, while another 19 percent was used for public-supply purposes, mainly to supply drinking water to much of the Nation's population. Groundwater also is crucial for those people who supply their own water (domestic use), as over 98 percent of self-supplied domestic water withdrawals came from groundwater. The pie charts below show the percentage of fresh groundwater that was used in 2005 for various water use categories. For most categories, surface water is used more than groundwater, although this pattern varies geographically across the United States. Domestic (self-supplied) water use is almost exclusively groundwater, whereas the water used to produce electricity comes totally from surface water (most of this water is used to cool equipment and often is a "pass-through" process and is returned to its source).

Groundwater withdrawals, by State, 2005 The map below shows groundwater withdrawals, by State, for 2005. The pie charts below the map show which states used the most groundwater, as a percentage of the total surface water use for the Nation.

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Al sur de del estado Anzoátegui

Al sur de del estado Anzoátegui

Con la puesta en servicio de un segundo transformador de potencia de 36 MVA en lo que va año, culmina la primera fase de aumento de capacidad instalada en la subestación Tigre III, instalación que surte de energía a un segmento importante del municipio Simón Rodríguez, en Anzoátegui


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Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids Likely Harmed Threatened Kentucky Fish Species

Hydraulic fracturing fluids are believed to be the cause of the widespread death or distress of aquatic species in Kentucky's Acorn Fork, after spilling from nearby natural gas well sites. These findings are the result of a joint study by the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Acorn Fork, a small Appalachian creek, is habitat for the federally threatened Blackside dace, a small colorful minnow. The Acorn Fork is designated by Kentucky as an Outstanding State Resource Waters. "Our study is a precautionary tale of how entire populations could be put at risk even with small-scale fluid spills," said USGS scientist Diana Papoulias, the study's lead author. "This is especially the case if the species is threatened or is only found in limited areas, like the Blackside dace is in the Cumberland." The Blackside dace typically lives in small, semi-isolated groups, so harmful events run the risk of completely eliminating a local population. The species is primarily threatened with loss of habitat. After the spill of hydraulic fracturing fluid, state and federal scientists observed a significant die-off of aquatic life in Acorn Fork including the Blackside dace as well as several more common species like the Creek chub and Green sunfish. They had been alerted by a local resident who witnessed the fish die-off. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Commonwealth of Kentucky are currently working towards restoration of the natural resources that were injured by the release. To determine the cause of the fish die-off, the researchers collected water and fish samples immediately following the chemical release in 2007. The samples analyses and results clearly showed that the hydraulic fracturing fluids degraded water quality in Acorn Fork, to the point that the fish developed gill lesions, and suffered liver and spleen damage as well. "This is an example of how the smallest creatures can act as a canary in a coal mine," said Tony Velasco, Ecologist for the Fish and Wildlife office in Kentucky, who coauthored the study, and initiated a multi-agency response when it occurred in 2007. "These species use the same water as we do, so it is just as important to keep our waters clean for people and for wildlife." The gill lesions were consistent with exposure to acidic water and toxic concentrations of heavy metals. These results matched water quality samples from Acorn Fork that were taken after the spill. After the fracturing fluids entered Acorn Fork Creek, the water’s pH dropped from 7.5 to 5.6, and stream conductivity increased from 200 to 35,000 microsiemens per centimeter. A low pH number indicates that the creek had become more acidic, and the stream conductivity indicated that there were higher levels of dissolved elements including iron and aluminum. Blackside dace are a species of ray-finned fish found only in the Cumberland River basin of Kentucky and Tennessee and the Powell River basin of Virginia. It has been listed as a federally-threatened species by the Service since 1987. Hydraulic fracturing is the most common method for natural gas well-development in Kentucky. The report is entitled "Histopathological Analysis of Fish from Acorn Fork Creek, Kentucky Exposed to Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Releases," and is published in the scientific journal Southeastern Naturalist, in a special edition devoted to the Blackside dace. To learn more about this study and other contaminants research, please visit the USGS Environmental Health web page, the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center, or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Contaminants web page.

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Al sur de del estado Anzoátegui

Al sur de del estado Anzoátegui

Con la puesta en servicio de un segundo transformador de potencia de 36 MVA en lo que va año, culmina la primera fase de aumento de capacidad instalada en la subestación Tigre III, instalación que surte de energía a un segmento importante del municipio Simón Rodríguez, en Anzoátegui


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Mayor garantía ante elecciones municipales de diciembre

Mayor garantía ante elecciones municipales de diciembre

CORPOELEC, con apoyo de la Milicia Nacional Bolivariana, continúa efectuando el mantenimiento en redes de Transmisión, mediante trabajos en el sistema eléctrico de 115 KVA subestación (S/E) Barbacoa I – S/E Barcelona


Del 29 al 30 de noviembre

Cursos, talleres, una exhibición conformada por 30 puestos de artesanías y exposición de fotografías, se realizarán durante dos días


Afirmó Ministro Jesse Chacón

En video conferencia durante reunión con el Comité operativo de CORPOELEC resaltó los avances y metas alcanzadas en estos primeros seis meses


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Directorio Directorios y Buscadores Mexico.