Stakeholder Dialogue Triggering Action on Water through the Post-2015 Agenda Sunday, 1 September 2013 Time: 14:00-17:30 Place: Room B9/10. World Water Week, Stockholm As the timeframe of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) draws to a close in 2015, the global community is taking stock of how effectively it can chart pathways towards a sustainable future. To this end, Member States at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) agreed to launch a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The post-2015 processes are responding to a mandate from the 2010 UN General Assembly to set out the development agenda that will succeed the MDGs. While the MDGs focused primarily on developing economies, SDGs aim to develop a broader sustainability framework with a global outlook, and will focus on priority thematic areas for sustainable development, which will be subject to further negotiation under and intergovernmental working group. The SDG process aims to develop global sustainable development goals to be agreed by the UN General Assembly in the second half of 2014. There are different proposals for a Sustainable Development Goal on water and for targets and indicators covering both access to basic water and sanitation services and water resources management. UN-Water has been providing support to the Open Working Group on the SDGs. The 2013 UN-Water Stakeholder Dialogue aims to provide an opportunity to present, discuss and have feedback from stakeholders implementing actions on the ground, on the UN-Water work for a SDG on water and the proposals for targets and indicators; especially in relation to appropriate roles and responsibilities, to insure that they lead to action on the ground. Moving towards universal access and hygiene practices, improving efficiency and water quality, reducing pollution, increasing wastewater treatment and reuse, dealing with floods, droughts and water scarcity, and improving governance are issues that have been captured in different formulation of targets and indicators. A key question is if these will trigger action in the same way as the Millennium Development Goal target on water has done. Some of the questions that this Stakeholder Dialogue aims to respond are: • Do proposals have the same level of clarity and will they help to provide the same focus for action? • What would be the necessary means and accompanying measures by the international community, the governments and the different stakeholders to lead to effective action? Join UN-Water for this Stakeholder Dialogue. More information at: 
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